PHP OOP – Static Properties

In PHP OOP, static properties are properties that belong to a class, rather than an instance of a class. Static properties can be accessed and modified without creating an object of the class.

Here’s an example of a class with a static property:

class Counter {
    public static $count = 0;
    public function increment() {
echo Counter::$count; // Output: 0
$counter1 = new Counter();
echo Counter::$count; // Output: 1
$counter2 = new Counter();
echo Counter::$count; // Output: 2

In this example, the Counter class has a static property named $count, which is initially set to 0. The class also has a method named increment(), which increments the $count property by 1. We can access the $count property on the Counter class without creating an object of the class.

echo Counter::$count; // Output: 0

We can also create objects of the Counter class and call the increment() method on those objects, which will modify the $count property.

$counter1 = new Counter();
echo Counter::$count; // Output: 1
$counter2 = new Counter();
echo Counter::$count; // Output: 2

In this example, both $counter1 and $counter2 are separate instances of the Counter class, but they both modify the same static property, $count.

Static properties can also be used to keep track of global state in a program, or to share data between instances of a class.

In summary, static properties in PHP OOP are properties that belong to a class, rather than an instance of a class. Static properties can be accessed and modified without creating an object of the class. Static properties can be used to keep track of global state in a program, or to share data between instances of a class.