PHP switch Statement

In PHP, the switch statement provides an alternative way to control the flow of a program based on conditional logic. A switch statement allows you to test a variable for equality against a series of values and execute different blocks of code based on the value of the variable.

Here is an example of using a switch statement in PHP:

$fruit = "apple";
switch ($fruit) {
    case "banana":
        echo "Yellow fruit";
    case "apple":
        echo "Red fruit";
    case "orange":
        echo "Orange fruit";
        echo "Unknown fruit";

In this example, the variable $fruit is assigned the value "apple". The switch statement checks the value of $fruit against each of the case statements. If the value of $fruit matches one of the cases, the corresponding block of code is executed. In this case, the value of $fruit matches the second case statement, so the string “Red fruit” is printed to the screen. The break statement is used to prevent the program from continuing to execute the subsequent case statements.

If none of the case statements match the value of $fruit, the default statement is executed. In this example, if the value of $fruit were "pear", the default statement would execute and the string “Unknown fruit” would be printed to the screen.

You can also use multiple values for a single case statement:

$day = "Tuesday";
switch ($day) {
    case "Monday":
    case "Tuesday":
    case "Wednesday":
    case "Thursday":
    case "Friday":
        echo "Weekday";
    case "Saturday":
    case "Sunday":
        echo "Weekend";
        echo "Unknown day";

In this example, the variable $day is assigned the value "Tuesday". The switch statement checks the value of $day against each of the case statements. If the value of $day matches one of the weekday cases, the string “Weekday” is printed to the screen. If the value of $day matches one of the weekend cases, the string “Weekend” is printed to the screen. If the value of $day does not match any of the cases, the default statement is executed and the string “Unknown day” is printed to the screen.

By using the switch statement in PHP, you can create conditional logic that allows your program to execute different blocks of code based on the value of a variable.