PHP Math

In PHP, math functions are used to perform mathematical operations on numerical values. PHP provides a wide range of math functions that can be used to perform complex calculations or manipulate numerical data.

Here are some examples of commonly used math functions in PHP:

  1. abs() – Returns the absolute value of a number
$num = -42;
echo abs($num); // Output: 42

In this example, the abs() function is used to find the absolute value of the number -42. The function returns the positive value 42.

  1. pow() – Raises a number to a power
$num = 2;
echo pow($num, 3); // Output: 8

In this example, the pow() function is used to raise the number 2 to the power of 3. The function returns the value 8.

  1. sqrt() – Returns the square root of a number
$num = 16;
echo sqrt($num); // Output: 4

In this example, the sqrt() function is used to find the square root of the number 16. The function returns the value 4.

  1. round() – Rounds a number to the nearest integer
$num = 3.7;
echo round($num); // Output: 4

In this example, the round() function is used to round the number 3.7 to the nearest integer. The function returns the value 4.

  1. ceil() – Rounds a number up to the nearest integer
$num = 3.2;
echo ceil($num); // Output: 4

In this example, the ceil() function is used to round the number 3.2 up to the nearest integer. The function returns the value 4.

  1. floor() – Rounds a number down to the nearest integer
$num = 3.9;
echo floor($num); // Output: 3

In this example, the floor() function is used to round the number 3.9 down to the nearest integer. The function returns the value 3.

By using these and other math functions in PHP, you can perform complex calculations and manipulate numerical data in your applications.